Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey
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Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - navigation menu Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Low Self-Esteem Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Stress, Worry, Anxiety & Panic Attacks Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Depression Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Shyness and Social Anxiety Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey - Stress Reduction & Mindfulness
We treat OCD with exposure and without exposure.

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We also treat relationship problems, anger, post-traumatic stress disorder, loss and grief, and many other problems.

Dr. Lynn R. Mollick and Dr. Milton C. Spett - founders of leaders of the New Jersey Associaton of Cognitive Behavior Therapists

Anxiety, Worry, & Panic Attacks

Symptoms of Anxiety, Worry, and Panic Attacks

  • Worry about things that have happened or may happen.
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Rapid heartbeat you can feel
  • Sweating, feeling hot or cold
  • Headaches, chest, jaw or back pains, other muscle tension
  • Stomach and/or bowel distress
  • Trembling, tingling, faintness
  • Feeling that things are unreal

Cognitive Behavior Therapy includes many specific techniques for treating each of the anxiety disorders. We'll figure out which specific techniques will work best for you. We'll help you think differently and behave differently when your symptoms occur. We'll help you feel better with relaxation, mindfulness, or meditation techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a panic attack feel like?
Your heart starts pounding. You feel like you can't breathe. You feel terrified, dizzy, faint, hot, cold. You're scared that you're having a heart attack, going crazy, or losing control.

You may want to get out of wherever you are, or go home, or call someone for help. You may go to an emergency room where they perform tests and find nothing medically wrong.

Panic attacks can occur in specific situations or come on suddenly and unpredictably. Between attacks, you probably worry that you will have another panic attack, and you may avoid places where you may have a panic attack.

How are other anxiety disorders different from panic?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder – the worry and anxiety are present most of the time. They become worse when you are under pressure and better when the pressure is off.

Social Anxiety Disorder is anxiety that occurs in social situations or during public speaking. People with social anxiety usually fear saying something foolish or looking foolish to others.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder occurs after experiencing or witnessing something life threatening. PTSD sufferers become very anxious or avoid reminders of the traumatic situation. If you have PTSD, you may have nightmares or sudden, intrusive images of the traumatic event. Sometimes people with PTSD cut themselves or develop eating disorders.

Phobias are anxiety symptoms that occur only in specific situations, like when flying or driving over bridges. People with phobias avoid situations that provoke their anxiety symptoms.

How will Cognitive Behavior Therapy help me with my anxiety disorder?
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is very effective for anxiety disorders. If you suffer from stress, panic, anxiety, phobias, PTSD or social anxiety, we will give you clear, specific guidance in how you can think differently about your anxiety problem and what you should do when you experience your anxiety symptoms. We may ask you to perform certain exercises between therapy sessions, and we may teach you meditation, mindfulness, or other relaxation techniques.

Is medication helpful for anxiety disorders?
Medication doesn't cure anxiety disorders; it reduces your symptoms for as long as you take the medication.

If you're currently taking medication for an anxiety disorder, we would not recommend stopping abruptly. If you want to get off medication, we'll work with you and your physician to help you gradually reduce and eventually stop your medication.

Can I ever be free of these symptoms?
You probably can't imagine ever being free of your anxiety symptoms. And you may be discouraged because you've had treatment and it hasn't helped you. But with the right kind of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, the day will probably come when it will be hard to remember that you once had these problems.

For more information or to make an appointment:

Call us at 908-276-3888

Cognitive Behavioral Psychologists of New Jersey
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